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Papua New Guinea Issues in Perspective (PNG Perspective) is one of Papua New Guinea’s fastest growing websites. It has to date logged over 4 million hits, 1.2 million visits and over 40,000 unique visitors mainly from the United States, Australia, PNG and selected countries in Asia and Europe. PNG Perspective was created to analyse development challenges in PNG and to promote debate on how they impact on the lives of ordinary Papua New Guineans. It is a staunch supporter of free speech and advocates the role that the media can play in promoting transparency and accountability in both the government and private sectors. Please do find time to read our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy and comments or suggestions are welcome. You can also follow us on Twitter @Arheeney or Facebook.

Dawn of a new year. What does 2014 hold for ordinary Papua New Guineans and their dreams for a better life?


Somare: 2012 O'Neill-Namah government budget highly irresponsible

04/06/2012 20:50
    PRESS RELEASE The Treasurer, Don Poyle, has admitted theO’Neill-Namah 2012 budget faces a massive K500 million deficit that is destinedto become one of the most irresponsible...

Somare: go back to your electorates and stop making PNG a laughing stock

31/05/2012 00:47
    PRESS RELEASE The Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare has called on Mr Peter O’Neill and his rogue team to stop making PNG the laughing stock of the Pacific and the...

O'Neill overcomes attempts to stall his re-election as Prime Minister

31/05/2012 00:29
PNG's national parliament re-elects Peter O'Neill as Prime Minister.   Papua New Guinea politician Peter O’Neill has been re-elected Prime Minister but not before overcoming what...

O'Neill government coalition partners in nervous wait for 'new PM'

30/05/2012 09:53
A nervous wait for PNG's politicians after acting speaker Francis Marus declares PM vacancy.     There is disquiet among the O’Neill government’s coalition partners as Papua New...
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