The end of democracy and the beginning of dictatorship in Papua New Guinea

18/04/2012 09:51

The PNG parliament. Does it really represent the interests of ordinary Papua New Guineans?


By Jedidiah Leader

Dearest Beloved Fellow Citizen,

When Parliament sits today, Wednesday 18th 2012, we can expect our last few hours of Democracy to diminish as this rogue government attempts to pass five (5) reactive, retrospective bills in their desperation to grapple at the last meager straws of power. The following is a description of these bills:

Bill to Amend the Judicial Conduct Act

There are two certified copies of the JCA. One is the 30/3 JCA. The second is the 4/4 JCA. The second had extra clauses inserted. The proposed bill to be tabled for passing is an amendment to the second act that basically adds on that the failure of one or a bench of judges to comply with the JCA will see them criminally charged and sentenced to prison of up to 7 years and lose all retirement benefits.

Parliamentary Privilege in Court Proceedings Bill

This states in principle that only the parliament Hansard may be used as evidence when interpreting parliament legislation and no other evidence. This is very biased and a judge should have all necessary facts and evidence before a decision is reached.

A Supreme Court Amendment Bill.

This will render ‘null and void’ the Supreme Court’s order from last December that Sir Michael be reinstated as PM. This is a no brainer and dead set wrong….period.

A Police Control Bill.

This will fundamentally give parliamentarians more control over the police personnel.

A Media Control Bill.

This is the most explosive one which will basically aim to control all forms of media (mainstream and social). Anyone seen to be speaking out against the government is liable for dissension/treason and will be arrested and charged accordingly. That’s right they will take away your freedom of speech.

Beloved fellow citizen…if you have been complacently going about your daily business, without a care or concern about these serious events that have been and are still taking place in obviously corrupt government, let this message now be a loud blaring siren in your ear. If we allow this government to stay in power, we will truly see Dictatorship come to pass in our generation…and what of our children?

We continue to pray to our God for His will to be done, but are we willing to step out in faith and do what is necessary, like Moses, Daniel, and others? We all have social responsibilities, and now is the time to act. For your information, awareness, and serious consideration. Above are links to the first and second copies of the Judicial Conduct Act and the two bills. The other three bills will be forwarded to you in due time, fellow citizen.