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Papua New Guinea Issues in Perspective (PNG Perspective) is one of Papua New Guinea’s fastest growing websites. It has to date logged over 4 million hits, 1.2 million visits and over 40,000 unique visitors mainly from the United States, Australia, PNG and selected countries in Asia and Europe. PNG Perspective was created to analyse development challenges in PNG and to promote debate on how they impact on the lives of ordinary Papua New Guineans. It is a staunch supporter of free speech and advocates the role that the media can play in promoting transparency and accountability in both the government and private sectors. Please do find time to read our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy and comments or suggestions are welcome. You can also follow us on Twitter @Arheeney or Facebook.

Dawn of a new year. What does 2014 hold for ordinary Papua New Guineans and their dreams for a better life?


Rural Papua New Guineans notch up K8 million transactions

01/07/2012 23:15
    BSP Rural Ltd staff Ossie Bale uses a tablet to open new bank accounts for women vendors in East New Britain.     The value of transactions by rural-based Bank...

PNG Perspective website gets close to 2 million hits

06/06/2012 14:32
PNG journalist and blogger Alexander Rheeney uploading content and editing the website.   The Papua New Guinea Issues in Perspective (PNG Perspective) website has chalked up close to 2...

Mekere: lock in funding for infrastructure to avoid missed opportunities

05/06/2012 17:58
 Sir Mekere: PNG could miss opportunity to harness potential.    Papua New Guinea (PNG) will fail to harness its potential unless it restored discipline to its budgetary...

Singirok condemns Namah's storming of Supreme Court

05/06/2012 07:40
(L-R) Former army commander Brigadier General Jerry Singirok and his former PNGDF captain Belden Namah.   The former army commander of Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah has...
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