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Papua New Guinea Issues in Perspective (PNG Perspective) is one of Papua New Guinea’s fastest growing websites. It has to date logged over 4 million hits, 1.2 million visits and over 40,000 unique visitors mainly from the United States, Australia, PNG and selected countries in Asia and Europe. PNG Perspective was created to analyse development challenges in PNG and to promote debate on how they impact on the lives of ordinary Papua New Guineans. It is a staunch supporter of free speech and advocates the role that the media can play in promoting transparency and accountability in both the government and private sectors. Please do find time to read our Disclaimer and Privacy Policy and comments or suggestions are welcome. You can also follow us on Twitter @Arheeney or Facebook.

Dawn of a new year. What does 2014 hold for ordinary Papua New Guineans and their dreams for a better life?


Mekere: missing link no longer missing

19/07/2012 22:24
    SPEECH Ladies and Gentlemen, Madang is about 300 kilometres from Lae.  The trip takes just under an hour by Bird of Paradise. Light travels at about 300,000 kilometres...

Mother of four strikes gold with Bank South Pacific

13/07/2012 14:04
  The winner of the BSP Green Gold cash give away Lucy Kasau in New Ireland.     MEDIA RELEASE A mother’s dream of owning her own house for her family has come true...

Bank South Pacific sets benchmarks in mobile phone banking

13/07/2012 13:54
Bank South Pacific's e-channel team show off the Samsung Galaxy Tablets used for signing of new customers and Iphones for Mobile Banking.     MEDIA RELEASE BSP...

Festival of Pacific Arts winds down in Honiara, Solomon Islands

13/07/2012 11:35
  The Laulasi Adventure Cultural Group from Malaita province, Solomon Islands performing at the 11th Festival of Pacific Arts in the Solomon Islands. Words and picture by the...
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